- 🪴 Gardening
- 🛍 Shopping
- ⚽️ Sport
- 🎮 Video Games
- 🎣 Fishing
- 🖼 Art
- 🗿 Museum
- 📷 Photography
Sexual Interests
- Fantasies
- Kinky Fun
- Romantic
- Threesome
About Me
HI ok about me... my passion is dancing, I work with children in 3 fields, I have 4 grown children & 7 g children,I have many qualities & ppl say i,m am different! i think its mainly down to I know what i want & wont settle for! second best or be played, i,m loyal fun loving, passionate & have interity i,m honest, will tell you as it is.
I love all types of music from classical, to rnb bashment chart toppers as long as i can dance or relax to it, its all gd.I enjoy travels,I like to do things for ppl & make a difference i also like to give ppl the benefit of the doubt ( which i find is not always a gd thing as you Never really know what ppls motives are, so no bull sh****s plse, if your after a s**g buddy Forget it, If you have ex,s that you haven,t finished with & there still stalkin you or living with you! dont bOTHER me, deal with them, I like to treat OTHERs how i like to be treated with respect & total honesty, i,m lookin for long term which means that!
ps only date white guys, so pls dont be offended if your not my Pref